Action E.1: Online Communication
The project website will provide an introduction to the project and up-to-date information (with photos) on its development, with public project documents made available for download (e.g. brochures, maps). The website will be bilingual (Hungarian and English) and we expect 1.000 visitors on our website per year. Online communication will be strengthened by publishing Hungarian and English electronic newsletters.
Planned implementation period: September 2013 – August 2018
Action E.2: Installation of gates, informational and notice boards
Installation of approximately 20 notice boards and road signs at main road crossings and frequently used entryways to the area is planned in the project. Notice boards will warn about trespassing and contain basic information about the project and the land owner. In addition 8-10 gates will be installed on roads branching off from public roadways to the project area to decrease the number of illegal activities such as waste deposition and trespassing with all terrain vehicles and motorbikes.
Planned implementation period: November 2013 – December 2013
Action E.3: Development of an educational trail
We plan to create an educational trail in the surroundings of Lakes Kűvölgy in order to allow the visitors to gain sustainable silviculture considering nature protection aspects too. In total 10 stations will be created that are to be connected by paths in the forest used only by pedestrians. The path of the educational trail will be based on the existing forest paths and trenches. All stations will be equipped with information boards with the photos of protected plant and animal species and habitats. The length of the trail will be appr. 960 m and two resting places will also be created.
Planned implementation period: October 2015 – March 2016
Action E.4: Media work
Media work will help to disseminate the information about the project among wider audience, inform local stakeholders and gear attention towards general environmental protection issues. Additionally, publicity will communicate positive message about Natura 2000 sites and the LIFE+ programme. We are about to contact 30 journalists in order to have a strong media communication. Three press conferences are planned to be held during the project (in the 1st, 3rd and 5th project year). The media will be informed regularly about the environmental issues the project targets, development and how it will benefit natural values and the life quality of local communities. Media actions will result the following indicators:
- 20 press releases
- 3 articles in the national press
- 10 articles in the local press
- 10 specialised articles
- 20 internet articles
- 3 TV news
- 3 radio news
Planned implementation period: September 2013 – August 2018
Action E.5: Publishing of informational material
In order to increase the publicity of our project, we are going to develop brochures (1000 pcs), flyers on the project and the affected area (1000 pcs) and information maps (1000 pcs).
Planned implementation period: October 2015 – June 2018
Action E.6: Public information meetings
Three public information meetings will be held during the project implementation period. The 1st meeting will be held in the third quarter of 2013, in the second quarter of 2015 and the third just before the end of the project, in the second quarter of 2018. We are expecting 25-25 participants to the public meetings. The public events will focus on the achieved results and the project area and dissemination materials will be distributed. Non-governmental organizations can provide valuable input to the planning of some actions and ideas for the post project management of the project site.
Planned implementation period: 3rd quarter of 2013 – 2nd quarter of 2018
Action E.7: Guided excursions for the public
In total 3 open guided excursions attracting altogether 150 participants will be organized in the project area. The natural values of the site will be advertised during the events, along with management measures taken and information about the project. These guided excursions are likely to bring the positive message about nature conservation in Kaszó area. Guided excursions will be targeted mainly at nearby schools and local municipalities. Representatives of governmental institutions in nature protection fields will be invited as well.
Planned implementation period: June 2016 – June 2018
Action E.8: Publishing layman's report
Layman’s report will contain a description of the actors, background, content as well as the impact of the project actions. The report will be published in English and Hungarian, LIFE-Nature and Natura 2000 will be acknowledged on the cover of the report. It will be distributed to actors in similar LIFE+ projects, the local municipalities, schools and libraries as well as made available to the visitors of the guided excursions and the administration centre of the beneficiaries.
Planned implementation period: April 2018 – June 2018
Action E.9: Post project communication plan
In the last months of the project implementation the beneficiaries will work together to produce a post project communication plan. This plan will build upon experience in communication during the project and on other Life+ post-project communications and will set out the strategy for the continuation of dissemination of the results of the project actions. The post project communication plan will focus on environmental and economic results of the project, long-term benefits and outcome of conservation actions, best practices applied in the project implementation and their relevance to environmental policy making.
Planned implementation period: April 2018 – June 2018
Action E.10: International conference
An international conference combined with and a seminar will be held during the project in order to show project results, and disseminate best practice experience to international experts, environmental authorities and for military environmental professionals. We are counting with 20 participants for the international conference. The event will take place in Nagykanizsa, Hungary, which is the most appropriate place for such events near the project area. The 2-day international conference (1 day for plenary talks and a 1-day field trip) will be held in September of 2017, since activities assessing and sharing the project results and impacts are to be performed after completing the conservation actions.
Planned implementation period: April 2017 – September 2017