The basic threat to the project area is the decrease of the ground water level. The problem, which has been experienced for decades, has a negative impact on the flora and fauna of forests and swamps, leading to the degradation of their status. All the actions and activities of the project aim at reversing degradation directly or indirectly.
The decrease of the ground water level contributes to further problems, starting a chain reaction. By the gradual decrease of the ground water level, the habitats of the affected particular area begin to dry-out, which has the following further consequences (threats):

  1. 91E0* habitats, Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) – due to their water demand – will be supplanted and will be replaced by less valuable stocks and species – from conservation aspects;
  2. A further cause of drying-out of the area is the occurance and disperse of invasive species;
  3. The proportion of infected areas and the infection rate of Melolontha melolontha is increasing.

Challenges that are difficult to manage appear in nature if their causes co-exist. The reasons for the low ground water level are complex. Low precipitation that characterise the weather of the region for a couple of years coupled with the result of human interventions contributed to the current state of the project area. Referring and addressed the latter with the proposed actions in the course of the project, we believe that targeting the negative effects of pervious human interventions by environment friendly methods and methodologies, the level of ground water can be increased visibly.
Human interventions that had been implemented in the project area in the past besides the less precipitation are as follows:

  • deepening natural water courses – cleaning of trenches and ditches had been elaborated by this method; but also served flood prevention purposes
  • shortening the way of trenches and ditches by cutting bends – aimed at the rapid draining of large precipitation, increase of areas for forests and meadows by drainage
  • partly covering the channels of trenches – as the result of the above mentioned two interventions, the water speeded up, in order to prevent higher erosion damages and erodation or breaking of trench-banks
  • elimination of natural water retaining items – aimed at rapid draining of large precipitation as well as the increase of areas for forests and meadows by drainage.

Solutions for the issues listed above were considered and discussed. In the project proposal we outline only those that would ensure that the habitats targeted achieve favourable conservation status in a sustainable and durable manner and can be managed:

Challenge / Problem


Expected result

Method applied for sustainability

Decrease of ground water level

Durable, long term increase of ground water level, retaining water in the project area by applying adjustable methods: creating reservoirs and constructing bottom-thresholds

Positive changes in the ground water level by improving living conditions for targeted habitats. Stable stocks with expanding areas. Supplanting invasives due to the increased ground water level. Decrease in the damages caused by Melolontha melolontha.

Applying environment-friendly materials at the construction of bottom thersholds in trenches, their status will be under continuous control, if necessary, immediate substitution will be elaborated. Continuous control and maintenance of the technical status of built-in structures and reservoirs.
Provisions for the control and maintenence of bottom-thresholds, reservoirs and other structions created in the course of the project will be outlined in the management plans.

Temporary difficulties in accessing territories designated to water level increase in critical periods.

Permanently accessible intervention areas

Access to built-in structures created in Actions C.1-C.5 independantly from weather conditions.

Surface and ditches of service roads will be repaired yearly, structures cleaned. Similar to Actions C.1-C.5, provisions for the control and maintenence of the surface of service roads and ditches will be outlined in the management plans.

Expansion of invasive species, which supplant native and valuable species

Supplanting and eliminating invasives, ensuring worse living conditions

Number of invasive species decrease, more area for valuable species, no threats for valuable species

Continuous mechanical elimination. Specification will be outlined in the management plans in order to ensure the continuation of the activity in the post-project period as well.